Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bob The Builder YES WE CAN!

I have a confession to make. I like the Cityville soundtrack so much that I have it playing in my earphones even when I'm not playing the damn game; while I study or read and while I AM TYPING this right now haha. The Cafeworld theme track was okay but this one is much more subtle and less food-inspired, which bodes very well for me.

So, you know how sometimes, when you're cleaning your keypad with wet wipes and you end up with the complete unabridged works of Enid Blyton on your screen or just alien gibberish that only the FBI could decipher and interpret? (When they're not busy doing legitimate government work such as hunting down aliens or rescuing their agents from alternate universes, of course) Well I was cleaning my keypad this morning and by the time I was done, I'd unintentionally bought a whole bunch of stuff online! See, sometimes its totally not my fault!!!

Actually my keypad was the last thing I cleaned today in my grand renovation works!

Me: I'm gonna renovate my room today!
Sha: WOW cool, what are you doing to your room?
Me: I'm gonna install some hooks on my wall for my new calendars..
Sha: Haha that's not called renovation!!!
Me: Do I look like Bob the Builder to you?
Sha: No lah, you just look like Shah Rukh Khan and nobody else.

Why thanks Sharbie! So what inspired me towards this act of un-heavy construction was my brand new calendar that I bought yesterday with Voo at Daiso Plazasing! Before our movie night with my amazons!!!

Me: What do you need from Daiso?
Voo: I need a pouch.. Lets find a pouch okay..
Me: Let's just shoot a kangaroo and get the pouch haha.
Voo: But I need like, 5!

IKR, so I met my calendar of dreams which totally made my evening! Actually they were just $2 and I couldn't decide between 2 designs so I bought both haha.

AND SO. The grand renovation works began this morning! With this really awesome 3M hook my mom got me from the supermarket today, I'm such a natural hooker.

Haha okay renovazion done! Check out the calendar I got for $2 last night:

It depicts different gorgeous locales each month.

Looks like I'm totally gonna be soaking up India come April:

But for now I'm all about ITALY!!!

Le sigh!!!

So, master construction worker that I am, it didn't take long for everything to come together.
And voilaaa!

My little cock rises every morning :)

Over Paris!

And my fave postcard ever!!!

Haha I love all my postcards from all my buddies but this one I love extra hard.

But I still have my Buffster calendar from 2005 behind my door :p

Ohhh Buffster I just can't quit you.

So that's it! I'm way ready for 2011 to come smashing into me!

Also, Dahtin and I made some desert today, and when I say desert, I mean the most stunningly complex creation that only Julia Child herself could have ever dared attempt in her lifetime of culinary swashbuckling awesomeness.

Jelly!!! Bravo! Delicioso! Fantissimo! Sedapooffino!

Ayte I hope you've had an AWESOME sundoinks too :)
Have an infinitessimo week ahead!

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