Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Flying Ballerina

I haven't seen my original simians for so long, so last night was a long time coming. I have missed my bebehs so much! AND my cherry mocha frappe! Which has pretty much overtaken my peppermint mocha in the running to become my heart's next top model.

In the middle of my cherryfest, them girls decided they absolutely REQUIRED some nail colour.

But that's alright because I was too busy being distracted by all the colours on Yan's crazy cirque du soleil face. She just came back from make-up training, UMM YES I KNOW RIGHT. Being a singapore girl is apparently a lot like being in the army but instead of SAR21s, you attack and stun your enemies with your crazy make-up skills. And your cracked ribs come not from physical combat but from your own killer kebayas and a constant need to smile at people.

Till this day, I still find the concept of nail colour weird even though my own sister is a veritable rainbow factory of sparkly fingers. So moving on, we obviously dealt with some mono!

With all the mahjong and the random japanese games I've been trying out with my boys, delving back to my roots was oddly refreshing. Also, the coffee chocolate log at starrybucks was really good and creamy in the middle.

Haha yes my sexy mat shoes were there too. I LOVE MY SIMIANS! And our quiet little dinners are dabombz :) Here's to a whole week of trying hard to study! Pls pls pls be productive, me!

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