Monday, September 13, 2010

Rainbow Lapis Raya!

I wasn't planning on doing any jalan raya with friends this year since so many are MIA and out of the country and school is starting really soon, but you know what they say about the best laid plans!

We reached Daz's place on time! He's in Germany right now but his mom invited us over since we've been going to each other's houses for so many years now since way back when our pimples were as big as raya cookies.

Lots of cookies came along to play in our mouths and of course, the legendary kek lapis sarawak. Everyone's been going crazy about kek lapis sarawak this year, me included. I'm totally getting some for our house next year lah, how pretty is that!

Daz's mom prepares 3-course meals for us every year haha! And yet we're still caught off-guard each time we finish eating and she tells us there's more coming. She should come up with a menu next year so we can be prepared for the awesomeness that's coming! Laminated please, Jinshun's mouth might just explode while reading.

We had roti kirai and mutton curry! My favourite! With egg salad and crunchy peanut sauce!

Thanks for the great food and cheeky chats, Daz's parents! (Daz, your mom asked shah when she wants to get married! That's kinda like the future-in-law equivalent of a blank cheque?!)

So we headed to Faye's place, with some random pictures in between.

And a whole forum of world issue discussions with the cabbie, including debates on acid attacks and hostel killings! How randomly festive!

I always look forward to the brownies at Faye's house! And this year, the brownies lived with other friends in a multi-storey duplex!

HOW AWESOME DOES THAT LOOK, EVERYONE! My favourite was the kek lapis with the black jelly in between the lapisans.

The rest were strangely captivated with the seedless grapes? Which is practically invisible to me when there's lapis in the room. Also, the tea was the BEST EVARRR, I must find out the exact brand and whatever from Faye! It's some kind of longan and red date tea.

Okay back to life, back to reality! Thanks my peeps for our little rainbow lapis raya :)


  1. hehehehe blank check kepe! and lols i do agree with the laminated menu for JS :p

  2. hahaha stoppit kepe! i'm still dreaming of the non-cheese raspberry kuehs haha!
