Friday, August 6, 2010


Wow I miss Ghost Whisperer!

So I've spent a couple of weeks now in my private kingdom of high and mighty fabulousness, and yesterday I've finally moved into my actual cubicle which I was NOT looking forward to, given what a shy creature of habit I am. BUT its turning out much better than I expected! I'm enjoying my time there way more than while I was in exile as unofficial royalty, and somehow time passes much faster when you're inside a cubicle, who knew?

AND I discovered yesterday that Monday is a holiday and also apparently its National DAY!? Haha I LOVE YOU SINGAPORE! I can't explain why these things just pass me by without my knowledge, like how the 2nd Grand Prix in Singapore totally sneaked by me without me every knowing it happened until like last week. Seriously, I only remember us having 1 before, and yet! This puts me in an awkward position with myself, because I clearly remember having grand dreams of actually watching the show if it ever happened in Singapore again. Without knowing that it was slated to happen every freaking year for the next freaking 10 years. Oh me! No wonder they never took down the stands and stuff, I totally thought they were keeping them around for sentimental value or something, since it was such a historical event blah blah woof woof.

Also, I passed by this small night bazaar last night (I've been passing by in my bus since forever and finally last night I dropped off the bus to check it out by pure impulse) to check out iPhone casings!!! (I am SO sick of mine right now, I don't even want to look at it) But unfortunately, the ones at the bazaar were of the SUCKFEST variety so I didn't get any, something I got very relieved about later on when I realised how truly broke I am right now. The agency actually told me long ago that I could get my pay in batches, the first batch being sometime last week and I was like, Oh no no no I'm not so hard-up haha please woman. But now I know. How very very hard and up I truly am!

So anyway, ITS FRIDAY!!! I had NO TROUBLE waking up today, like a little bouncy boy bouncing up from bed because someone killed him in the middle of the night and now he's one of those bouncy ghosts that bounce around with hands outstretched, yay! I AM SO EXCITED!

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