Saturday, August 7, 2010


Haha I'm actually tearing up watching this show on ch5, and its Willy Wonka. Its that part where Willy's dad realizes its his son by looking at his BICUSPIDS. (No its not because of all that chocolate, I don't even like chocolate! Umm but I'd eat it if it's in front of me.)

So anyway, its been a horrifyingly tough week and I totally forgot that I was supposed to be waiting for something coming in the mail, esp since I paid for it like 3 months ago! Bryan and Glenn (aka the spastic lovebirds) finally settled down in the states and they had a bunch of coach stuff for their aunties and friends since its so cheap over there, so I picked out one of the cheapest things on their list for mom! (I love you guys, sorry for not making any profit on me haha I will send over some.. mmhmm? lol even more exclusive ah) It wasn't easy for them to recommend something to me btw.

Bry: Its basically a wristlet
Me: Okay so what's a wristlet?
Bry: Its.. a wristlet lah!
Me: That just sounds to me like a tiny little replica of my wrist
Gle: Or a mutilated baby wrist
Me: I'm pretty sure its not THAT

I thought it would be the size of ez-link card but it turned out much bigger, so now I really don't know what the purpose of this thing is? (And it has NOTHING TO DO with wrists in general, where is that connection?)

I actually almost did not want to give it to my mom after I saw it because it has no compartments and honestly, its was too huge to be a little purse and too little to be a handbag (what's up with that?) and I was thinking of giving it to my babysis to play with or something but luckily I just gave it to my mom because she acted like it was LV! (Which it is not, just to be clear)

Mom: Wow its so nice!
Me: Umm no, my wallet is nicer, its LV
Mom: But yours is fake

Haha I don't think she knows yet what to do with it but she's definitely exhausted her daily limit of theatrical facial expressions from showing me how happy she was. So yay! Thanks again to Brygles!!! May you have many little bryglets to keep you from driving each other insane.


  1. Qins! I bought the exact same one for momsie when i went to the states :) it's a wristlet lah...and a very useful one too!

  2. haha oh wow! great taste-buds lick alike! (hoho that sounds wrong) i DO NOT SEE how useful a bag can be hehe but yah i guess women have your ways

  3. haha yah i updated with the convo where i tried to find out what a wristlet actually was.. its amazing how people just say exactly the same thing, "its a wristlet lah.." hehe like thats totally self-explanatory weebs!!!

  4. hahahaha it IS self-explanatory :P
