Saturday, August 14, 2010

Not Like The MOVIES

I'm not at my brightest hour right now (I just tried to take a picture of my sandwich with my coffee mug? AND IT HAD NO BUTTONS..) so some of my early morning declarations might be slightly incoherent. Today is SATURDAY so I might go back to sleep later after I've sufficiently burped and digested my sahur. (Sahur is the early morning breakfast we take before our whole day of fasting and furious non-sinning) Maybe I'll do some shopping! I am officially SO SICK AND TIRED of my iphone casing.

So I got a perplexing call last night and apparently my reservist adventure camp in November has been CANCELLED wtf. Its amazing how they can just cancel it out of thin air, like its just a romantic date between friends who're kinda like into each other. No its not, its OUR THIRD DATE ARMY! I was gonna go out and get a boyzillian and everything. My landscape artist will be so pissed.

But that's alright, I had a nice night out with the bff last night and its always chillaxarious with my honey b! She likes to get randomly and thoroughly fascinated with strange things though.

Like when we were passing by that koi pond below Suntec:
Yan: Hey look at that one fish at the side, the top fin is sticking out!
Me: Lets pull it out
Yan: NO!!! Wow look at her belly, its much rounder than the rest ah
Me: Umm she can hear you
Yan: I think she's pregnant
Me: Or she just broke fast!

Its the month of ramadon so we decided to go someplace halal haha. I'm taking my fasting duties this year very seriously btw. We had pastamaniacals! I went with the chickietons alfredo.

Ahhh so good. AND CHEAP!!! Plus we had our awesome ice milo which comes with lashings of melty chocolate at pastamania. Its basically THE MAIN REASON why we always go pastamania. And why yan can't open her mouth:

My mom packed some korma (dates) for me!!! Haha and they're seedless ftw!

We had the combo with these cheese-sticks which WERE DABOMBZ. So unhealthy! AND YET hwowwwww.

I like my spags with lotsa chilli flakes.


Haha ohhhhhhh tgif! Anyway just to be clear, Yan is not my girlfriend or ANYTHING like that, haha please don't even TRY to take an interest in my love life because its never landing here on my blog. Umm and also right now its in a state of non-existence due to my complete disinterest (how shocking I KNOW) in developing this segment of my life movie. Of which yes, I am the star.

How amazing is Katy Perry, I just can't dismiss this girl. I really like this new one:

And this Mike Posner guy (where'd he pop out from?) has a new one too, which I also like:


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