Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cinematic & Dramatic

Sometimes I see pretty young boys with startling bright smiles, such easy smiles. And I remember myself long, long ago and I just wonder if I was ever so careless with my moments, if I was ever that happy and carefree and so generous with my mirth. And I remember that I was; and then I remember how dispensable those smiles were, how cheaply they came and how massively I marketed them. Oh youth! But I see so many young boys with some spark behind their eyes, some semblance of smarts and worth behind all that shine, some extension to their place in the future. I never had that. I was just a polariod picture; my smile never meant anything, never got me anywhere. I hope I'm smarter now! I'm not sure why, I feel like its easy to watch younger people but it strikes such a nerve when I suddenly see something so much like yourself way back then, in them. Its almost painful haha. And I have no idea why.

SO ANYWAY! I had mucho mucho fun with my boybitches incorporated yesterday!

Haha most of my life right now has come to revolve around this little thunderstealer called MONOPOLY DEAL but we somehow managed to squeeze some time in for shopping and a really nice dinner. Like I said, I'm trying my best to have an all-halal month so we had Swensens!!

I recommended the Lasagna to Daryl because I remember how much my chemgeeks RAVED ABOUT IT and how I also tried it with chemgeeks once at Ion and it was mindblowing to say the least. But apparently the mindblowingness has been reduced to a smaller scale, more accurately deemed as mindfartingness. And I'm talking about tiny little farts because its now TINY!

Haha unacceptable! It was delicious but oh so teensy! DESPITE THE PRICE. Although, my meatball spaghetti and Jon's whatever baked thingy were quite spectacular in both yumness and portion. So I'm just saying, I wouldn't recommend ever getting the lasagna if you're a full-grown adult and if you're a kid, you'd wanna get something cheaper because well I'm assuming you have a kiddy budget. And I guess that's basically saying that nobody should ever get this.

I'm thinking of blogging about this dinner on simblogs because it would be like throwing the proverbial boner to the halal fanatics who seem to be on a rampage on my simblogs. OMG GET OVER IT ALREADY!

So Daryl and I took cab home (!!!) and our conversation steered towards love and relationships (this doesn't GENERALLY happen, like EVER fyi) and I kept saying that it's all nonsense and it comes when it comes, and all my usual ammo. And when Daryl dropped off at his stop, the taxi uncle got REALLY chatty and asked me about my life (!!!) and out of the blue, he was like, "Why you everything nonsense nonsense nonsense.. Somebody broke your heart is it?" UHH!!!??? I was speechless haha! So all I could say was just, "Uhhh no lah haha where got such thing," which is so lame but mindfarts provoked by mouthbombs are rarely articulated in a sophisticated manner. And of course I had to wonder later, did anyone break my heart? But I guess if you have to think about it and ponder, then I don't think anyone did. I mean, there were REALLY trying times that I don't want to remember, and I guess I've been through some painful stuff, while I was young and stupid. But I don't think any of that has changed me. I mean, yes my view on love has changed and deteriorated. But that's just maturity and perhaps just ME GETTING SMARTER. Because honestly, the thought of any one person changing me or killing anything inside me is much scarier than anything else. And I just don't think I was ever that much of a fool to have let anyone in that deep anyway.

So btw! I'm in love with this one song:

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