Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Little MORE

I finally have time to blog again! About everything!

So this morning I woke up thinking I'll have a sandwich sans coffee and then I'll go straight back to bed and wake up at normal humane hours but then I saw my coffee and I smelled her sweet scent and I swear it was like old romantic comedies and hardcore porn melted down into a silver bullet shooting straight for my heart. And so here I am, awake again, naturally! Until like 8.30am when I'll crawl back into bed and then wake up 2 hours later like the world's most hungover writer with no deadline.

Everything's going swimmingly though, I actually had a productive day yesterday and I've got chores planned for today. Which may or may not stretch out all the way till Sunday because I've really got nothing on until then. No deadlines, no objectives, no consequences for sleeping in bed all day with my comics. Other than getting myself into shape to fit back into my old raya threads, I have no other goals! Actually I can start shopping around for next year's modules and see what's what. OR PERHAPS NOT. (Hmm shopping... Interesting choice of words, o mighty great mind... I like where you're heading)

So anyway, yesterday was pretty fun! I broke fast with my bebehs and we had our favourite crunchy food in all of Singaporeland, Long John Silvers! The menu seems to have gotten a lot smaller and the plates are way less pretty (They used to have those black plastic ones but they've changed to using white paper plates in an effort to make gentle love with the environment blah blah everyone's getting such a hard-on for the environment these days) which honestly I don't appreciate. You can do your part against global warming and still have pretty plates, come on. But oh wells they're still banging my balls in the crunchy foods department!

AND agent scully was tres magnifique last night! Its been so long since we've had such special moments together (my camera and I) and we got some really awesome group pics last night of our little entourage.

Me really likey!!! Haha maybe its not time to resign yet, agent scully, you're finally getting your shizz together. Although, in all fairness, the crystal clear photos were taken with my camera resting on a flat surface instead of my usual shaky hands. So anyway, we got Sri hooked on monopoly deal! AS USUAL. Everyone seems to fall head over heels for this little game no matter how hard they try to resist at first. For the record, I surrendered myself completely at first sight!

Ohhhhhhh monodeal! Plus I heart my bebehs! I also kinda gave in to my white chocolate venti, simply because I'm gonna be so free in the coming days and so obviously I will be devoting much more time to some overdue exercise anyway (mmmhmm..) so this giant tub of whipped cream is simply a tribute to the gods and a prelude to my self-whipping routine and also to recharge for battle with my boos! Ayte have a wonkytonky wednesday everyone :) If it is, in fact, wednesday today.. I'm not very sure!

My awesomely freshly baked current earwax:

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