Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just Say Yes?

My morning is just bursting with fruit flavour!

Well not really. I'm actually in quite a pissy mood and I have no idea why, and that totally makes perfect sense since pissy moods usually present themselves in this way, in a sudden appearance of utter surprise-inducement revealing no clue to their distant magical origins. What the hell am I going on about. And everything I'd usually do to cheer myself up is apparently against the rules and regulations of life on the fasting lane, which is slowly but surely driving me to insanity and beyond. And speaks volumes about how I handle this fragile state of affairs called my life. OH WELL enjoy your thursday! I will try to survive mine :)

I have just one piece of wisdom to impart this morning. Think about what you want, who you want, which flavour ice cream you TRULY WISH TO HAVE when you're dropping your time, your heart, your dessert money. If you can't get what you want right now, hold off on it. Don't be settling, or choosing to taste something else for the time being. Because we all ultimately get what we really want, and so if you wanted mint chocolate the first time and it was out of stock, chances are you'll be coming round again and pointing your damn finger at the mint chocolate through the glass display and the poor caramel coffee that satisfied your urges with such sweet dedication to your tastebuds only yesterday will only get hurt. Don't be causing pain to ice cream, its ungodly and very cruel.

Yeah this revelation came to me while watching old episodes last night. I think I live my whole life purely via deep analysis of tv shows. Although the whole episode brought the message across in quite a different direction with totally no mention of frozen dessert. I've been that caramel coffee, and I've been that damn finger. I'm suddenly wondering how it feels to be the mint chocolate. Hmm. Did it ever get to have a say in any of this? Seems like the damn finger gets all of the power and none of the consequences.

Maybe the world is simply divided into 2 types of people; on either sides of the glass display. Maybe, just maybe, every finger just wants the mint chocolate. Perhaps some begin to prefer caramel coffee only once they've tasted it, while their ideal choice was off the menu. Perhaps they were just thinking, "What if mint chocolate never comes by again?"

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