Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So I spent all morning trying to cancel or nullify or extinguish or annihilate or DECAPITATE my credit card account (or whatever this godforsaken process is rightly called) and they've wonderfully put me on hold with the most hideous music known to mankind for what seems like hours! I'm not sure if it's Mozart or if it's Sharifah Aini's mole being attacked by spider monkeys, it is just driving me crazy. Its a student card, and I've decided that I can't handle having a credit account. So, in the wise words of Daryl, I need to nip it in butt. Or as I might put it, put a cork in the chocolate fountain that is beginning to consume my life.

Yes, I got sucked into getting this card because its so damn pretty and its TRANSLUCENT HOW COOL IS THAT, and has my name embossed in shining silver; how could I resist! But as I explained to Kelv when he grumbled about how inhumane I was to kill such a pretty thing, its always the pretty ones that cause you the most trouble and heartpain, my friend!

Ahhhh finally, a human voice! Brb ttyl!


  1. how does the card look like? take a picture of it yah?

  2. lol i can just show you, you have to turn it side to side and twirl it to see the shiny effects :p
