Monday, June 7, 2010

Let's Go Fishing

So, I can't officially say that I've had the worst week ever, but it hasn't been great. Business at the cafe is going okay and my comics have been such a joy but I can't help going just a tiny bit insane from the shitfest that is the weather and the uncertainty that is my life at large. I hope you realize that I was referring to my cafe world on facebook, because misunderstandings do happen.

Raf: I just made hamburgers!
Kelv: Hey me too
Kelv: Why hamburgerS? How many did u make?
Kelv: Aren't you trying to lose weight.. You're losing focus again!

That was awkward, and also, ouch. I've had nothing to blog about, hence the barrenness of this blogoscape you've come to love so hard. I'm sorry, mail me some excitement and maybe my bloggo-engine might start up again. For now, its in a place between semi-boredom and the highest order of eternal damnation.

Actually something exciting IS happening, our Jessica's getting married! She gave us our invites this weekend and you know how large amounts of adrenaline automatically pumps into my system whenever I see a piece of stationary with my name printed on it! ITS PRETTAY and its purple and its gonna be at Sentosa which is just my favourite place in the world! Alright, its not really, but hell I'll take anything to level-up my list of reasons to not slit my wrists out of pure boredom just a notch. Jessica (her name is actually Jessie but I spent the entire first year of JC calling her Jessica because I thought Jessie was just a nickname and I just couldn't bring myself to call her Jessie out of my deep respect for the name Jessica which I think is really really pretty, whereas Jessie sounds kinda butch, and then of course, I found out that her name was ACTUALLY Jessie, and that she'd also kinda been wondering why I'd been calling her Jessica all year long, and when I asked her why she never corrected me, she was like, oh I thought you were just being you, you know, weird and strange. I KNOW RIGHT) will be the first of our JC batch to get marriedzoinks! Well, in my class. Some people in our year are already planning their grandkids' weddings, that is how advanced people these days seem to be! Its kinda crazy and honestly, its wigging me out a bit.

Ayte have a great new week ahead!

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