Sunday, June 20, 2010

Night of The Living Tiara

So yesterday was Jessie's big day!

We all headed to Sentosa, land of sun and sea and completely random peacocks on the road. I'm not sure if they were feeling suicidal or just really too self-absorbed to care about traffic etiquette haha, but they were pretty cute and Shelz wanted to smuggle one out of Sentosa in her glamorous new hairdo.

Sentosa Cove, here we come! HOW EXCITING RIGHT.

We took some time to find the place without driving over any peacocks in the process but finally, we found it!

The girls have been hyperventilating all month long in anticipation of this night. I admit, at first I was more excited to breathe Sentosa air than to see the wedding because I mean, come on, a wedding is a wedding. They're usually like legally bound to be boring.

But this one totally caught me off guard! It was insanely gorgeous, and I felt like my molecules were about to burst with saturated awesomeness!

This place has parking spots for yachts, so I wouldn't be surprised if they install docking bays for intergalactic spaceships next. Ahhh the gorgeousness brings to mind the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and also the opening scenes from a lot of CSI Miami episodes.

I could almost hear Horatio Caine's footsteps and Calleigh and Eric smooching somewhere in their invisible force field since nobody on the team seems to ever suspect their romantic liaisons no matter how clearly they seem to be making raunchy love with their eyes everytime they're checking out mutilated corpses together.

So anyway, finally we got to the ritual grounds! It was literally by THE SEA, like you could dive in the water at any time and resurface with oysters and pearls hanging out of your jaws; that's how awesome the place was! I deeply deeply wanted to whip out my swimwear but I decided that giving the priest a heart attack might greatly inconvenience the wedding party and all.

Although, we all soon realized that maybe cutting off a chunk of his oxygen supply might not be such a bad thing; this man CAN TALK. For extended hours!

Can you see my message in gold ink!

When you look at your wedding pictures and you can literally see a change in daylight conditions as the ceremony proceeds, you know you've got a priest who can really talk his ass off. I think at one point, someone dispatched a medic to check if the elderly relatives at the front rows were all still breathing. But the long ceremony was worth it, ahhh everything was so sweet!

So finally after rings were exchanged and an endless parade of old people were sufficiently hugged, we got to take pics with the gorgeous newlyweds!

VOO had this brilliant idea of posing with her fourth finger sticking out but Jessie thought she saw middle finger! Which led to the most awesome pics of the night haha.

AND THEN WE ATE! Like crazy! Jessie made sure the buffet was all-halal just for me and Parhana! Awww the small section of my brain that cares about halalness is deeply touched!

The food was AMAZINGGG!

It was such a beautiful night for my amazons, Jessie & Boon, my tummy and even Shelz's new undies! Here's wishing you two a happy marriage and good workout this weekend!

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