Saturday, January 15, 2011

Alien Attack!

So my books ARRIVED!!!

They're almost like little angels in bubble-wrap and I do believe I heard one of them sigh softly as I cradled her in my arms. Finally! I'm a dad! And this shouldn't surprise me, but my child is really shockingly thick! What have I gotten myself into?

I didn't want to talk about this whole book-ordering extravaganza before they arrived, because what I'd say would depend largely on how they arrived to me - be it in a cacophony of flying monkeys singing show-tunes outside my window heralding their arrival (which would be awesome) or dipped in sulphuric acid, wrapped in demon's poop and tossed at my door via express fiery catapult service.

It ended up being delivered just fine by mailman in pristine condition (which of course, falls short of expectations, now that I have flying monkeys dancing in my head) and I'm now blissfully at peace with myself, no longer waiting for anything anymore. Actually, the wait was pretty exciting. I almost miss it. What does life hold for me now! What is coming? Nothing! Ayte before I spiral into empty-nest syndrome mode, I'm gonna make some coffee and start on MY AWESOME ALIEN NOVELLA!

Oh I ordered my books from, because they were having their new year's discount (which is still on) and I was just way too captivated with that alien book which caught me off-guard in a moment of weakness. Daz pointed out that the books would usually be cheaper at although it takes longer to arrive (actually opentrolley took 9 whole days to get the books to me, so you might as well use bookdepository or even which is almost the same price if not cheaper and books get delivered to you the next working day) and I agree! Although I do like browsing at because they sort the books out by price which is pretty awesome.

Ayte have an awesometastic weekend ahead!

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