Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Xmas!

Perfect morning for kaya toast! I'm totally not feeling in the mood for Xmas this morning but that's the thing I love about Xmas. I'm so completely under no pressure to be feeling the Xmas spirit 100% because I don't even legitimately celebrate it and obviously I'm not a christian. But to all you criss-cross fans out there, MERRY MERRY XMAS!

Oh wells, I'm sure the spirit of Xmas will come forth into my earthly vessel once I hit the sales next week!

Really I NEED TO GO SHOPPING! Gap is having 50% off and I think I want new jeans. Actually something unimaginably awesome and fantastic has dropped into my life and I think I've fallen deeply in love with this whole thing (not a human being) and I can't speak about it here because it's not something conventional or conservative and it's a very guy thing (and highly related to my guy parts) so I guess you can just be incredibly happy for me (or specific regions of me) this jolly, jolly season!

No other updates. I had a mega petai festival a few days ago but I've no pretty pictures to show for it (operative word being pretty) and this weekend looks like it's gonna be super cozy without anything to report back on so perhaps I'll finally get the JB and bird park posts done! Have an awesometastic weekend!

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