Monday, December 20, 2010


We watched a little bit of Elizabethtown yesterday (and when I say a little bit of Elizabethtown, that actually means quite a fair bit of sitting on the couch and eating leftover tortilla chips from saturday night because that same time frame would have constituted probably 3/4 of any other movie - Elizabethtown is insanely LONG omg) and it's such a sweet little movie (and again when I say little...) with so much blahness and such sparkling little spots of awwness in between. And sweet Kirsten Dunst in her best days.

You're not like anyone I've ever met before.
That's because I'm one of a kind!
You don't have to make a joke.
I like you even without the jokes.

I failed, I lost a billion dollar company.
So you failed, I don't care about that.
You don't understand what a big failure this was.
You failed, you failed, you failed. You failed!
Just keep saying it and the word loses all meaning.
I failed.
Have the courage to fail and stick around.
Make them wonder why you're still smiling.

So anyway, Alv is back in Indonland after his short time with us here. We hope you enjoy your time back home with your family, Alvin! See you in a couple of months!!!

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