Monday, August 9, 2010

Red White & GOLD

The reason why I love blogging in the morning is because I haven't read anything yet and I haven't spoken to anyone yet so its purely my voice, my thoughts, my nonsensical crapzilla. Because I happen to have the world's most absorbent personality and I literally change when I have new friends or when I hang out more with specific people haha. Its mostly because I'm empty inside and always eager to change, like a really spongy chameleon. There's nothing wrong with that, that's just me! I mean, if you've been reading my blog long enough, you'd probably understand that I'm slightly schizophrenic, which explains why I can't ever commit to anyone or anything and why I'm always optimistic. Because a new personality/friend/adventure is always just round the corner!

My primary school english teacher will decapitate me if she ever read this previous paragraph haha! She used to bitch endlessly about how we should never start a sentence with 'And' or 'Because' and I still don't, but this is hardly serious writing. My writer's block has been driving me CRAZY!!! Somehow I managed to squeeze out another movie review on simblogs but honestly, its shitty like hell. (This description is the best I can do, which was why that entry came out.. shitty.. like hell) I need inspiration! I need a muse!!! I CRAVE UNEMPLOYMENT haha.

BRB TTYL & Happy National Day!

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