Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's Up The Ante

So life on the fasting lane has been pretty challenging this year. I've been having sore throat since yesterday and it's way annoying since I can't smother it with strepsils and I'm just left to suffer in my state of silent soreness! The only thing motivating me to wake up this morning was my new episode of The City and we all know, nothing gets me higher than a gentle dose of bitchy. The new season of Survivor looks awfully promising, and I'm saying this based purely on how the contestants look because sometimes you can just spot a raging bitch from a mile away simply by his or her scent, let alone the psychotika burning in their eyes. I really hope there's a new Jerri or Parvati or Russell in there somewhere, I will go mad without some other distracting madness in my life to balance everything out.

Because yes, there are mad things going around me and I am in serious danger of stepping into some high drama!

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