Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Going Back To Sleep Now

I'm not sure what this means (although I'm pretty sure I can't possibly be held accountable for my dreams) but I dreamt that I was doing shots of vodka and it was pretty amazing. I know right, how highly inappropriate is this! Its the holy month! I've been so good so far, but then apparently my subconscious is getting wasted behind my back. Its like how Dora/Diego The Explorer tries to be all factual in teaching us about the various species of animals in the mexican rainforest, but then one of the main cast members is a freakin' blue monkey.

So I just checked my account (yes at 5am in the morning) and my pay is in! And its SO BEAUTIFUL to look at, I don't think I've ever had this amount in my account before. Although, this semi-hurts because I'm giving it all to my mom (for school fees blah blah, so technically I'm not giving it to HER, I'm just being a much less useless-leech-of-a-son version of myself than is typical of me) and throughout this whole time, I've been like, oh whatever its just SOME money and its not like I have anything to do with it. BUT NOW I DON'T FEEL like giving it up at all. Just right now even, I can think of so many things I can possibly get with this shizznit haha. Which is why I need to transfer it away away away asap before I do any damage, god forbid.

So anyway, this is kinda cute:

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