Monday, July 5, 2010

Roger THAT

So our intern team had dinner again last week at the strange land of Novena which apparently holds many wonders, one of which are the pretty empty restaurants. Big boss Janice took us to Kenny Rogers which I've actually never been to. The food at Kenny Rogers is pretty reasonably priced, if you choose the right things :p

I had BBQ chicken pita, which turned out to be HUGE. And behold, it's every bit as amazing as it looks:

I was so stuffed like you wouldn't believe. Janice had this HUGE chicken pie thing, which I think was bigger than her face. She rejected the sides, because she'd had it before and she knew she couldn't possibly finish everything. (Amazingly, they actually deduct the cost if you don't want your sides, we did not expect that at all) I had my sides and I ate them all up, you can see above that I had the pasta salad and potato salad, same sides I always have at Astons. The sides were so good, although the pasta salad is way better at Astons. The potato salad is better here at Kenny Rogers, and the portion is much more generous here too.

So check out the size of Janice's chicken pie thingy, it looks like the thing that ate the chicken pie. And then didn't get to digest well enough before watching a really gory horror movie about cannibalistic chicken pies.

Waiwai had some grilled half-chicken or quarter-chicken thingy. This one was surprisingly teensy compared to the rest and I forgot to ask her if it was any good but she didn't even finish it. Although, taking into account that she ordered one side of random vegetables, (...) maybe that's just her female diet issues talking.

THE BEST THING at Kenny Rogers were the banana muffins!

They were soooooooo gooooooooooooooood. Maybe I just really like banana muffins in general (are these even muffins?) or perhaps I simply have really low standards because these were just free muffins that came with every order or maybe somebody spiked them with pure ice-blended baby angels plucked from the clouds above, but omg they were heavenly.

We played Monopoly Deal! Apparently Waiwai HAS HEARD of Monopoly Deal and she totally lit up like an electric fence when I mentioned it. Does anybody not love this game?

And of course, gossip was in the air like oxygen and little sparks of fire all throughout the night. We literally played and relayed stories until the place closed. And then we carried on at Coffee Bean (without buying anything, the nerve!) until it also closed and there was an announcement that the mall was closing, I know right. That was an awesome night :)

So anyway, I'm not in the happiest place in my life, but I'm in a good place. There are clearly things that are wrong with me, things I cannot hide from. And there are flaws on the surface that are simply worn-out disguises, a front for my fears. There are changes, far overdue and finally coming into play. Change is good.

I feel like I'd rather be the shadow, than the candle that slowly burns itself away. How ironic then, that without the light of a candle, there can be no shadows cast.

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