Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fly Away Little Bird

Its been festering inside us for a few weeks now and its finally happened! One of our boybitches has flown the coop and will continue to fly free for the next 8 months! He's spread his wings and flown off to the land of Heidi Klum and World Cup 2010 winners.

Germanyland! (Dazzie will train in a secret ops mission with the german soccer team and then come home to lead our singapore lions to victory in World Cup 2014!)

We saw him off at the airport last night, it was a hero's farewell. That was where we met Fran (an evil hyena-lady living within the catacombs of Changi Airportland luggage check-in) who was no friend to us; she basically rejected his luggage because it was too heavy!!! HELLO, the term is big-boned or curvy?

Daz obviously didn't appreciate having his luggage called fat but we had to repack anyway and remove some excess baggage such as his cast iron chastity belt (after Sharbie finally agreed to set his crotch free for 8 months and keep the custom-made metal undies she had made specifically to protect her boyfriend's honor) and his vast collection of live action figurines of me (for his bedside table) and his limited edition plush toys featuring me in different poses and outfits (for his bedtime blues when he's feeling lonely).

I helped to supervise the efforts, while discussing shoes with Sharbie in the background.

We're both kinda obsessed with our shoes and apparently hers are called boat shoes according to Faye. So when she was worrying about how to get home from the airport (because it's midnight and there's no MRT service) I was kinda tempted to tell her to please "kayuh pelan-pelan in your boat shoes, maybe you'll get back home to jurong some day" (kayuh pelan-pelan = paddle slowly) but I totally didn't say that out loud because her leopard-skin bag might just back to life and devour me whole.

Dazzie may be in Germanyland for the rest of the year and a quarter of next year but our shoes promised to keep in touch and play monopoly deal regularly.

How sweet right. So I'm totally cool with one of my bestest buddies leaving me to explosify his future and come home a total chemistry rockstar but Sharbie had to bite back her tears since it will be eons until she can pinch his cheeks again or terrorize him with her monopoly deal rules and regulations reading skills.

Get it together, woman! Dazzie's mom (of Datin Diaries) got us these amazing shrek tarts which are THE MOST AWESOME things I've ever put into my mouth, so I was able to distract myself from the drama of the night. OH DAZZIE WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! Please take many pics with your fabulous new camera!

Tonight, Amy leaves for Germanyland!!! OH AMYLIAKS I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST on this pilgrimage to spread the word of monopoly deal to the germans! I can't think of a better ambassador for this holy war against monopoly original version. Epic moves FTW!!!


  1. erm, i thought bunny girl tried to help?

    like something between just you and me?

  2. haha yah she made a "between you and me" deal and then she hopped away and disappeared!
