Saturday, July 10, 2010

Crazy & The City

So I've been watching The City, mostly because I wanted a break from all the heavy-duty drama of The Vampire Diaries and the semi-duty drama of Chuck and the psycho-drama of Fringe and the try-hard-drama of Gossip Girls. And I thought The City would be all about THE CITY and New York and how actual people work there and rise up the ranks and do their business and coordinate their schedules. BUT NO. Drama drama drama. Every-freakin-where, Every-freakin-day!

This is them discussing last night's scrabble game:

I know right!

Apparently one of them's not quite so elated about the other WINNING AT SCRABBLE the previous night and thus, agitation and awkwardness and intense facial expressions ensue!

And this is just this one particular model-model couple, there are many others in the mix but I'm late now so TTYL and have a great weekend!

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